Prophesy Corner
Gathering of the Prophets, Krugersdorp, South Africa. Prophets Galilee and Gary Guess and Prophet Marius Higgins
What is
Galilee Guess was saved at age 5, in New York, she began being used by the Lord in the prophetic ministry at about 5and a half years old, since she grew up in the tents in South Africa with many different ministries, and using her gifting's to share what God was dong to peoples lives. Today she is married to Gary Guess, lives in America, and travels around the world sharing what God is doing in the world ,and still speak personal prophecy as well to many people and sharing how much God loves each and everyone of us.
You can book Guess Ministries to come speak at your church by calling 918-575-1522 or book online through our web site.
We would love to come minister at your church or conference.
God Bless You,
Guess Ministries
Click the link and watch the video for an example of how the gifts of prophesy and healing can work together for the glory of God and to empower His people. This Prophetic Healing Service took place in Krugersdorp, South Africa on March 31st, 2023.
Galilee Guess giving an End-time Prophetic Word, Sunday Nov. 12, 2023