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About Guess Ministries International

Writer's picture: Gary & Galilee GuessGary & Galilee Guess

Updated: 4 days ago

If your reading this, you have became a part of a journey with us, as we travel and see God change the world, a little bit of South Africa, that's where Galilee was born, and also a taste of America, that is where Gary was born, but we dare bring you a taste and a touch from God's mercy seat, where He can heal your heart, mind and spirit, as He changes your life, you don't have to walk alone, Jesus longs to walk with you, just give Him a chance. We promise He will never leave you or forsake you, you can see my testimony even in death, He never left me, His love never fails. We have so much more to share with you, so please keep your hearts and spirit tuned in with us on our journey.

A short bio?

Gary Guess, as a young person, was a full time singing and preaching evangelist under Brother Frank Fisher from Memphis, Tennessee. Galilee spent time in her early years in the tents of Reinhard Bonnke and finished Rhema Bible School in South Africa.

Although Gary and Galilee were each powerful in their own ministry, the Holy Spirit exploded when God put them together as man and wife in June 2000. Since then, they have traveled and ministered in 4 continents and 3/4ths of the United States. They have seen over 500 souls saved at one service in South Africa. Their personal statement of faith is soul winning for Jesus, touching the untouchable, loving the unlovable and for all to know that God is real and Heaven is real. Their goal/vision for their ministry, is to convey to all the people they meet that God is the King of the universe. They want to leave each church with a fresh zeal and hunger for the presence of the Lord and His fire.

Gary and Galilee Guess have had many services where God worked miracles such as a Sunday morning service turning into an 8 week crusade in Montgomery, Alabama. During that crusade a lady came to one of their services with a veil over the lower part of her face because part of her jaw, nose, and the inside palate of her mouth and part of her tongue had been eaten off with cancer. She was slain in the spirit and the next morning the Lord had restored what the cancer had taken. When she came back to the service the next night no one recognized her without the veil.

In Anderson, California in 2004, a 7th generation witch came into the service with a dagger concealed in her sleeve. She had given herself as a bride of Satan but that night she came forward and was saved.

They have had many significant spiritual experiences in their lives together. The experiences that produced the biggest season of growth started in 9/20/2015 when Galilee was accidentally bounced off the back of a truck, struck her head and suffered an intracranial hemorrhage. She underwent a 5 and a half hour surgery. During that procedure she died but God spared her life. She was given less than 1% chance of survival. If she did survive, the doctor said she would most likely be blind and a vegetable. She had several set-backs but 4 months later they were in South Africa leading 100’s of people to the Lord. One year later on 9/20/2016 their son Eliel was involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in his death. It was a season of growth in their lives because of the faith they would both need to deal with the grief.

On July 2, 2018, Gary was put in the hospital with meningitis, and encephalitis and developed septicemia in one week’s time. He had a road of recovery that lasted approximately 3 years but God’s restoration was complete. These 3 events created a significant spiritual experience and season of growth. Gary and Galilee had faith to be healed and God was merciful. They continue to serve the Lord with completeness with discernment and operating in the glory of His presence. His word says when I am weak then He is strong. They had to put their weak hands in His hand in a greater capacity.

In order to stay spiritually and professionally refreshed as they move from place to place, they go into His presence in the 4th watch of the night and stay there until they are repowered by His Holy Spirit and His presence and Glory. Then He can minister to them by ministering through them to the lost and the broken and that becomes the conduit of His presence. Then they are able to operate in the 9 giftings and the 5-fold ministry.

This writer has personally witnessed many giftings of the Holy Spirit through Guess ministries. I have attended many services in various churches in the 20 years that I have known Gary and Galilee Guess. I have come to know that they are loving and totally sold out to God and what He wants for their lives.

They are full-time evangelists who travel from coast to coast and around the world depending solely on God’s provision, with no stationary residence. They home-schooled their two children in the early years of their ministry together.

The Guesses have appeared on South African Christian TV and TBN.

Gary won the 2024 Mississippi Christian Artist of the Year Award for Southern Gospel Music.

To view Galilee’s testimony, go to God’s Window TV and look for Galilee’s Journey.

Gary and Galilee Guess contact information:

God’s Window TV

Guess Ministries

Phone: 918-575-1522

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