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Video prophetic words spoken by Prophet Galilee Guess and Gary Guess
Galilee Guess sharing a prophetic word 4/14/24
An end time prophetic word given by Prophet Galilee Guess 11/12/2023 a confirmation to the word given by Pastor Donna Culp following.
Galilee Sharing end times prophetic words, part 1 & 2
Galilee Guess sharing a prophetic word about the 4th watch of the night.
A prophetic interview part 1
A prophetic end time interview, part 2
Do you not know? Prophetic Word by Prophetess Galilee Guess
Galilee Sharing a word in Stilwell, OK.
A Prophetic healing service in Krugersdorp, South Africa

What a beautiful picture of you, Galilee, shining with the Glory of God on your face!
How does it feel in your spirit to travel the world and carry our Lord's messege. This is something the lord is pouring out on my spirit to do. He's given me gifts . They will do no good for the world to set on them.